
I read this forum virtually every day. I enjoy shotguns very much especially doubles and the faithful Winchester Model 12, 42 and Browning A-5. I cannot count the thousands of rounds fired at clays and live birds that have been spent by my hand during my short lifetime of 55 years, although, that could be a result of my poor upbringing and lack of education.

One thing continues to perplex me about this sport that we all love. Perhaps this has been covered before, and if so, please forgive me. Why is the balance point of a double so important at the hingepin, when the hinge pin varies in it's location so much from model to model, maker to maker. It is different in relationship to the breechface, trigger, and butt of the stock. It would seem to me to be irrelevent. After all the discussions that have taken place since the utilization of the hinge pin on double guns, I would have thought by now, we, as a group, that critique everything we fondle and shoot, would have come up with some better method of describing technically rather than by metes and bounds, a quality that so many find to be so critical to our success in wingshooting. Bear in mind, I am not offering an answer! But, am still pondering the question as to the hingepin's importance.


This ain't Dodge City, and you ain't Bill Hickok!-Matthew Quigley