What you post is true. That is the reason that I, and others, think that the weight of the gun must be balanced between the hands.
It really does not matter the weight of the gun if that is the case.
I suppose we have to agree on what balance means. I don't think it is very different with various shooters but is greatly different in what these different men perceive as a good feeling gun. A wand may be a 2x4 to different men. Gun fit is the key word here.
It seems to me that if a gun fits the shooter well and he feels that he has the control of it, the weight will be between his hands and it will simply be a natural thing to swing it and shoot well.
It is probably a coincidence that the balance point is near the pin.
Just thoughts.:}

Humble member of the League of Extraodinary Gentlemen (LEG). Joined 14 March, 2006. Member #1.