Jack, if you can't see a difference between a racial slur and a bumper sticker-like slogan during a political campaign, then you need new glasses. My long-time hunting partner and best friend is a former candidate for the Iowa senate, as a Democrat. Even he sees the humor (and certainly no harm) in the "Life's a bitch--don't vote for one!" bumper sticker.

Personally, I liked the bumper sticker I saw recently in the UP: "EARTH FIRST! We'll log the other planets later!"

The interesting thing about tag lines is that they're not directed at any individual, and especially not at any individual participant on this board. They're simply a reflection of the poster's philosophy, political or otherwise.

People these days take offense far too quickly. I spent too much time on campus and saw far too many instances of PC run amok to accept a PC police force as a good idea.