Ben Franklin said it best, "We need to hang together, or rest assured we will all hang seperately" (or words to that effect).


We are about to take part in one of the most important elections in the history of our great nation. Today, the SCOTUS announced that they will hear the DC gun ban case. Up until now, guns and hunting has not been an issue on the campaign. You can bet that no matter how they rule, it will become one now.

The last time I looked, Republicans, Democrats, Independants, Greenies or what have you are ALL Americans first, last and always.

Although I am not yet sold on the front runners on the Republican side, the other alternative (a certain NY Senator) is flat out scary and will spell disaster for this country, IMHO .

Lets be polite, be Gentleman, agree to disagree, hear both sides, and when it comes time to pull the lever, pull it for the right person who will take us forward and protect ALL of OUR God given rights.

Now, back to double guns (and gun dogs).