Larry, re inadvertent assistance, many of the American and Canadian intelligentsia and plain Joes disillusioned by the Crash and seeking something better during the Depression joined the Communist Party. Anyone who wasn't at least thinking along those lines at that time wasn't thinking at all.

Some saw through it over time as another totalitarian system and got out. My father left early because of the Party's anti-semitism and went on to distinguished service in war and journalism. Lindbergh and The Bund favoured fascism, Germany over Great Britain, and over time saw through it and left it.

"Dupes," for seeking neither riches or gold but something as intangible as an ideal? Many of those idealists reside in the pantheon of illustrious contributers to our respective societies today. We're all dupes, on your terms, for changing our minds and looking for an improvement because of deception.

Regards, King

Last edited by King Brown; 11/21/07 06:27 PM.