Originally Posted By: Jakearoo

My interpretation of Jack's take is that he believes such vituperation stifles true discourse.

There's the first use of "stifle" in this discussion, Jack . . . someone interpreting what you said relative to Jim's "offensive" tag line. But hey, even though Voltaire said you can't really be certain you're understanding the other guy--and he wasn't even working in cyberspace--there are some that may think they're smarter than he was and are capable of doing so.

But glad to see you can count to 7. For some folks your age, that's quite a chore. Woops . . . did I just offend the elderly?

King, I'm well aware of the history of Intrepid, etc. What you're forgetting is that many people realized there was a political nature to what the Brits were telling us. They obviously wanted us in the war, in the worst way (and FDR pretty well agreed with them, as did Donovan). But the isolationists did not. After all, some remembered simialar ploys (which were effective) back in WWI. Therefore, the isolationists were likely to view the Brits' "sharing" of their intel with us with a very jaundiced eye.