Unfortunately, I bought a copy of Larry Brown's "A Pheasant Hunter's Notebook." By the time it got here, he and his little buddy Robert CHambers once again polluted the board with their usual shenanagens. I will no longer support anything Mr. Brown does and sincerely regret having bought the book.

I read one chapter before the last pissing match began and can't see myself reading another word. I am giving serious consideration to burning the book and mailing the ashes to nayone who wants them. I will include a picture of the flaming book so you will know I did not just get some ashes out of the heater in my shop.

Does Robert Chambers have a book? If so, I may buy a copy, burn it, and send the ashes to Larry. And maybe I should send the ashes from Mr. Brown's book to Robert. I am totally disabled and money is in short supply these days, but I can;t stand the thought of reading another word by either on them.

I read 2 boards every day, checking both several times every day. I post on the other board a lot, and very rarely post here. on the other board, I put three people on my "ignore" list, and what do you know, I almost never have to read a pissing match these days.

I stopped reading threads on this board when Robert and Larry would start their usual postings. But I would then read where a reference was made to the pissing match threads where useful information by other people had been posted after I stopped reading. So I wade through the pissing match searching for posts by people who were interested in spreading knowledge, as opposed to making posts to show their superiorty to us mere mortals.

Two men have almost taken this board hostage. That is totally rediculous. Dave posted a warning to folks about this same thing a month ago. The 2 offenders he mentioned the most have really chanegd and been helpful and friendly in their posts since that time. I wish Mr. Brown and Mr. Chambers would decide to make a similar change, or just leave the board all together.

edited for spelling

Last edited by Marc Stokeld; 12/03/07 02:14 PM.

skunk out