Dave K: I apologized for my poor choice of words. Why don't you do the same? Have you never misspelled a word on one of your posts? It's obvious that you knew the meaning of Ron's post. Yes, my PR work is to try to help get something good started here in my part of America. It may not be a home run the first time out but then again it may. We had over 150 at today's preview & there are 165 registered for Dig's Friday evening presentation with another 35 on the waiting list. (The fire marshal won't allow more than 165 guests in the hall). Dig measured a lot of wall thicknesses & choke sizes today & gave out a lot of condition reports. We all went to dinner this evening & the general consensus was that this will be a grand event that will only grow. I wish that you could be there.

Best Regards, George

To see my guns go to www.mylandco.com Select "SPORTING GUNS " My E-Mail palmettotreasure@aol.com