we can most certainly agree that they where green and yes constructive criticism was what was needed.Where we may disagree was that is what was given from the first page where I mentioned the picture issue.The other issues that kept away absentee bidders (and thats one big thing to not have)was the confusion over what was written on the web site and what was said here was met with arrogance and rudeness.
Have bid and bought at numerous auctions I can tell you you the formula is really quite simple,just look at what the sucessfull one like JJ,GM,Amoskeag do and you will get bidders.
Acurate descriptions that you stand behind
15% commison is fine (but dont'muddle it up with sales tax)
No reverve and realistic estimates (even low ones work to the auction house favor but not the high ones)
Just a few things that would help.
One other one would be to pay for some advertising in the gun mags we all read along with Gun List perhaps.

Last edited by Dave K; 12/11/07 08:16 PM.

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