I think you've misconstrued my remark, King.

What I mean is the English have a long history of being fighters, explorers, and generally tough people. Tweed wearing, perhaps, but tough nonetheless. Now they seem, as a whole, to have become a nations of 'softies'. How do you think those same people who passed legislation outlawing swords would do in a fistfight? How do you think they would do if their power went out for a couple days? No guts. Their existence depends on having a government teat to suck. The English of 50 years ago were Vincent Black Shadows and Purdeys; now they are Vespa scooters and nightsticks.

As for capital punishment, all it would take is for you to spend 24 hours in a maximum security federal prison and you'd be asking 'which button do I push and how long do I hold it down for?'