Originally Posted By: King Brown
Thanks, Nial. I won't check it. Icelanders always seem to have their act together. I must have been thinking of Great Britain as the mother of the empire's parliaments---and that may be wonky, too. Memory, age. Whoever said old age are the golden years must have been smoking dope.

Trust you Nial, it's the Althing, back to about 900, longest continuous existing parliament. Had the pleasure of attending it once. The Brits are arrivists, really. The Scottish parliament merged with the English one in the early 1700's with the Act of Union; Ireland lost its parliament(dated to a Norman one c1250) in a subsequent Act of Union in 1801, caused by the fears of who w/could replace a mad German King and the mass bribery of the ruling Anglo-Irish so-called nobles. Says much about democracy and monarchy. Westminster's description as "Mother of Parliaments" is about as accurate as the "World Series" which I believe is a local ball game in the US.