I've enjoyed this thread, and as an armchair historian, library owner complete with EDM's Parker book, and 209 primer-popper, I'd like to add a comment or three.
I'm one of those 100+ shooters who "do Sanford", and maybe I'll make the LC Smith team in 2008 (for a change). I'm also a gent with an "enquiring mind" who is intrigued by the internal workings of my various brand smoothbores, and provoked by various books, have gone inside nearly them all to "discover". I have no problem with folks with Brownell's proper screwdriver bits and a bit of book-learning or mentoring, going inside their pieces. My screws haven't been "screwed", no extra parts stood visible after re-assembly, and the pieces all went BANG after the internal examination. I'm not talking here about Fleischman's A1 Special, or an Alabama gentleman's Crown, etc, but rather an LCS 3E, a William Evans (really a W&S treble screw-grip) and down to and including Sterlingworths and Trojans.
I find it interesting to see how different mechanics have looked at different challenges and how they solved them. I've learned, for example, that I'll never buy another Iver Johnson SxS, due to the "cheapness" inside.
Having been "where no man had gone before" with my piece, makes the actual shooting more satisfying and rewarding for me, anyway.
Offered FWIW - and with the added observation that in the autumn, when the leaves have fallen from the Manitoba maple in my front yard, it gets mighty cool and there's not much shade under it.
EDIT: How do I get ridda these "stars"???

Last edited by Ian Nixon; 12/21/07 07:53 PM.