Originally Posted By: RMC
...comments on the "Ducker". Interesting, but not likely to be found. Doesn't anyone make something close if they were such a great boat and in such demand?

The Ducker was very expensive to make, and the high-end market for duck boats is limited. When new, the Ducker sold for the same price as a field grade Winchester Model 21! And even at that price, AlumaCraft lost money on them and production ended. Celebs like Nash Buckingham could afford one, but most duck hunters couldn't.

There have been Ducker imitations - 'Outlaw' made one in fiberglass - but they've all been much heavier than the Ducker's 67 lbs, and therefore less useful. And none have been cheap.

The secret to the Ducker: huge rolls of surplus aluminum left over from the mfrs' WWII work on army pontoons. Those rolls were a special alloy that allowed for more extreme pressure forming than the aluminum commonly used on boats today. Making a Ducker now would require custom alloyed aluminum, which would drive the price out of sight.

If someone was good at working with Kevlar, he could probably make a comparable duck boat. But again, at what cost? That's why 50 year old Duckers in decent shape are still getting top dollar: there will probably never be their equal.

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