Some of us just like to tease and pull each others chains once in a while

Agreed, I do love to tease & pull chains myself, & it's for sure many 21 chains swing low & are easy to pull & with great effect . There is however one place I draw the line, I "Do Not" use the name of "God" in a joking manner. That is something everyone has to decide for themselves, but in my mind I consider it blasphemy so you will not find me making such remarks. God created the Horse, Man through selective breeding developed the TN Walking Horse. My dad was not a big time breeder but most of his life had some around with lineage back to some of the early Allen lines. I rode them quite a bit tending to the catle on the farm as was growing up, but for recreation preferred walking & carrying a dbl shotgun.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra