I can tell you that in my limited experience (25 years operating my own shop) part time (25-35 hours a week) that the triggers came in the shop that were non funtioning I have had to dis-assemble and clean were overwhelimingly Remington 600-700 triggers. Oil gets down in them and dries and hardens and gums them to the poiint that they wont work. I have never had to do that with a Win 70 or a Mauser with roiginal style trigger lock work.

Plating doesnt prevent oil form drying and gumming. It also doesnt prevent freezing rain from dripping down in and freezing and preventing function. I have personaly observed that more than once.
How often does this all happen? Not very but how I like that simple trigger.

Last edited by Brian; 01/31/08 08:16 PM.

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