The Purdey pigeon gun was absolutely perfect and 100% original as documented by Purdey. It was much nicer than I imagined. If anyone wants a Purdey pigeon gun this is the one to have. For a modest amount of money this gun is a 100% original Purdey with 90% case coloring, original barrels, original stock and it has the original leather and oak case.

For me, a gun has to appeal to your heart and emotion. There has to be romance. This pigeon gun did not have these qualities. It was a beautiful gun. It was original. It was also heavy and not well balanced. The lack of balance bothered me more than the weight. The stock was also 1 ½ inches too short. If I had the spare change it would be home with me right now. However, I can only afford one gun and I want a game gun.

I have held many game guns but did not have the opportunity until today to compare a pigeon gun to a game gun. Today I was able to hold a Purdey and H&H game gun along with the pigeon gun. The pigeon gun felt great when I first held it. Felt a little heavy and a little off balance, but not bad. Then I held a Purdey and H&H game gun. Wow. What a difference. The game gun made the pigeon gun feel really heavy and poorly balanced. One of the game guns had a long stock and it fit me like a glove!

I am sending the pigeon gun back. It did not win my heart. It would make a great clays gun if I had the money. To have purchased the gun would not have satisfied my desire for a London Best Game Gun. I would have been purchasing the gun just for the name and condition of the gun. Buyer’s remorse would have soon followed. It is ashame becease it really was a great gun. How many 100% original Purdey pigeon guns from 1895 can their be that still have 90% original case coloring and the original case?

So the search continues.

After 2 years of searching I have at least narrowed the field as to the gun I would like. My ideal gun is going to be a Purdey game gun with ejectors, self-opening, 28" barrels, weights no more than 6 3/4 pounds, has a 15 1/2" LOP (will probably have to be restocked) and good barrels (.025 or better). A 20 bore would be ideal, but my budget is already stressed for a nice 12 bore.
