And there is the matter of that "old professional elite" in the words of Richard Hofstadter (doctors, lawyers, preachers but perhaps not injun cheefs). I don't want to get into the elegy to hayseed shooters with LG again but will say that one of my grandads was a Methodist preacher and would have passed as an educated "mainstreeter" in his time. I'm sure he trenched in his fair share of cabbage and turnips pre-Frigadaire but he also read Nat'l. Geographic, got out of the county occasionally, and his shooting was half-meat, half sport. The other was a farmer with a sixth grade education, had the bible read to him, and was almost all cattle and no hat as he could easily remember what it was like to have neither. Altho tolerant of hunters, I doubt he had a concept of sport hunting. The only gun I ever saw in his house was a 12 ga. single shot of the no-name variety. I'll bet he bought at least three boxes of shells in his life of 91 yrs. I saw him take a shot at a flock of starlings once. I doubt if he would have shot a rabbit since a cutterbar will do the same work for free. Some folks just like roast beef twice a day.
