Originally Posted By: marklart
-I don't have health insurance either, being partially self employed as I am. The penalty for that is not having health insurance. Could I afford a catastrophic policy with a $10k deductible to mitigate against disasters described above? Yes, if I go without some other basic necessities of life. But even that is no guarantee, because the way it is set up now, health care providers stay in business by denying coverage. I've seen people with $600/mo health insurance still have to pay $100k for cancer care.

I just think it's a very warped sense of priorities when we can spend literally trillions on a war that has resulted in the deaths of upwards of a million people, but helping our own people is somehow evil and marxist. What the @#$@~~!! is that?

Let me get this straight -through sacrifice you could buy catastrophic insurance, but you would rather have the Taxpayers buy it for you - via force of law ?

Also - better check your math on the 1 Million dead in A-Stan & Iraq.

Last edited by postoak; 02/20/08 12:53 AM.

Mine's a tale that can't be told, my freedom I hold dear.