To be honest, I do not think that strict gun laws are a bad thing. In Holland, there are VERY strict gun laws, but if I really wanted to I COULD buy myself that Ak47 legally.

If you are willing to fire your weapons at a range regularly you can legally own upto 5 semi automatic guns/rifles/pistols. Only restriction an semi automatics is the fact that their fully auto setting must be disabled (you most likely know how easely THAT can be "reversed").

The only things that are strictly forbidden by law over here are weapons build for continuous automatic fire (uzi, SAW, miniguns etz.) and of course explosives based weapons.

You however DO need a permit own a weapon, you also need to register every weapon you own and fire it regularly at a shooting range.

The problem with this weapon is, that I would rather NOT fire it as it is an antique.

I like guns, just like the rest of you guys, but that does not mean that I think that gun controll is a BAD thing.

As it is very hard to come by guns in Holland, weapon related crime rates are LOW in holland, same goes for murders, let alone Columbine style mass killings by a loon.

What I mean to say is this, don't be to negative about gun controll laws, they might curtail your "god given right to bear firearms" a bit, but they also make the world a bit safer for everyone (And NO, I am not a socialist or liberal)



Last edited by William2; 02/26/08 07:28 AM.