Originally Posted By: jack maloney
Originally Posted By: L. Brown
...this one is also backed up by facts and data from foreign countries:
1. Most foreign countries have stricter gun laws than the United States.
2. The homicide rate in those countries with stricter gun laws is significantly lower than in the United States.

I am appalled to see such ignorance posted here as "fact"! This is a 'post hoc' fallacy of the far Left, which is not supported by facts...

Again, linking gun control to national murder rates is a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, implying cause and effect. No such connection has been proven. And statement #2 is flatly false: "those countries with stricter gun laws" include some of the most murderous nations on earth.

On the other hand, the cause/effect connection between UHC and infant mortality is widely acknowledged in the health care field. Free PMI (Protection Maternelle et Infantile) clinics have significantly reduced infant mortality rates in France.

If anyone here truly believes that stricter gun laws reduce homicide rates, I suspect he'll find more agreement among the gun-grabbers than he will in this forum.

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