Originally Posted By: King Brown

So do Clinton and Obama. That's why campaigns don't get into specifics.

King, you must not be listening to Clinton and Obama. They're hammering at each other on the SPECIFIC differences between their respective health care plans, and each is hammering on the other candidate about mischaracterization of their respective plans. If both of them (like Jack) simply said, "I'm in favor of (unspecific) universal health care, because it works in other countries!", then they wouldn't have anything to argue about on that issue. And if they were only addressing health care in a general fashion, Jack would have trouble determining which of them he likes better, instead of telling us that he doesn't support either of their plans. Likewise, if Jack were to get as specific as those two candidates have, then we'd all have something to evaluate.

Last edited by L. Brown; 02/28/08 04:20 PM.