Adams, Jefferson et al got together, as I recall my American history, in a little gathering called the Continental Congress. They got pretty darned specific as to why they believed this country ought to separate itself from English rule. Made that pretty plain, in a document called the Declaration of Independence. A dozen or so years later, they got together again and went into even greater detail concerning American democracy, in a document called the Constitution. Each state had the opportunity to look over that document before they ratified it. They knew what powers Congress would have, what powers the president would have, what powers the judiciary would have, what powers were reserved to the states, and what had to be done to ratify the Constitution.

Only someone totally ignorant of American history would say that the founding fathers were only selling a "concept". And to paraphrase a famous line from American political history . . . Jack, I know the founding fathers from history books, and I also know--knew even before you wrote the above, in fact--that you're no Jefferson or Adams.