I've found that Chas Osborne from 12-13 Whittal Street, Birmingham had his name on the lockplate of a 2 bore pinfire punt gun made between 1855 & 1876. His gun was to be boat mounted and was directed(or "punted") toward the game. Charges for shot ranged from 6 oz to 1 1/2 pounds w/ a black powder charge of about the same bulk. Across the board, lengths ranged from 5 to 9 feet and had a weight between 50 to 250 lbs. Although I believe that many Americans preferred the trombone or A5.

I don't know if the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 limited bore size, but it did prohibit sale and import/export of wild game. And I have read some minutes from a conservation meeting either from the last 1920's or early 1930's including Mr. Buck in a book, which was not for sale, at John Allen's shop, Game Fair Limited, in Nashville.

Kind Regards,


Last edited by ellenbr; 03/07/08 03:53 PM.