Sure this isn't a Roma 3 (3 misread as 8)? I've ever heard of a Roma 8, let alone seen one. I have several Romas and they are very reliable guns, with good ejectors and hinged front trigger (not an issue with a 28, I'm sure). Slightly heavy for guage, in my experience. I bought my Roma 3, (lightly used) for $650 about ten years ago (a 20, so less in demand than a 28). They are much more now. My Roma 4 16 cost about $500 (well used, but not abused) in Italy, plus the cost of importing (about $300 if I recall)about six years ago. Wood on both is plain but handsome.

I'd buy another if I found one at a bargain price. But I'd say that about any quality double....

I uwsed to gripe (a little) about the close set double triggers of my Roma 3 when hunting with gloves in New York state in the cold grouse season. Not a problem in CA...