I did see the Ithaca stock on ebay and it looked decent but the pic was a bit small for me to tell if it was Flues or NID or what. I suppose someone more computer literate than me could blow it up. Also it got a bit pricey considering that even if it was Flues, it might not fit. Then there's the pick-up load of really nice black walnut slabs I bought last summer, though I know a hundred bucks or so won't cover my labor to whittle and checker one. I did buy an unknown double stock on ebay that I was able to identify as Parker from the pics. Turned out to be nice, uncut, no.1 frame size. Seller added info before the auction ended that an expert e-mailed him that he was certain it was L.C. Smith. Close...both were American guns.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.