True, the rich will be fine. The middle class and lower, the ones carrying the bolders on their backs to build the pyramids, they will suffer the most during this next phase. And yes the rich will buy the good guns up at increasing levels.

Don't lose sight of this fact: $1.7 Trillion alone was spent on the industrial war complex in the past few years for Iraq/Afghanistan occupations. That money, mostly, went into the top 3%'s pockets. But it went into many companies. There are some very, very, very, very, ridiculously rich people who have gotten just a whole lot "richer" and $4 at the pump does not prevent them from buying ANY guns...

Sure $4 at the pump hurts only the wage earner, the workers. Those who can't afford to pay for base costs in the near term will have to sell things, like their collector guns, to survive and they will take a bath on those guns. The rich will just end up with more fine guns. I do know some owners of companies who have made a great deal of money on the Iraq occupation. And they are still making BIG money. Very little oversight going on.

Oh, and was that "buy black guns" post racism or bigotry?... It certainly was not funny.
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