My mistake. Nothing really bad will ever happen to us Americans. Cause we are the best in every way? Isn't that what they drummed into our heads when we were young and impressionable?

HMMMMM...come to think about it, I think that's what little Russian kids were taught back when as well.

I surely don't worry about things I can't control, but it doesn't mean the crap won't hit the fan. Regardless of what the experts say.It has happened before. They are process of trying to save their (and our) collective asses right now. Actually, those of the whole world as well,considering how tied together we all are now.

Me, I think we gave it all to the greedheads. Sooner or later, the piper will be paid. The question is, is it sooner or later?

'Global village my *&^'
The original Xenophobe

"Sometimes too much to drink is not enough" Mark Twain