This is some backwater African Country where guns aren't necessary since the citizens are very efficient in dispatching each other by hacking with machetes. The point being made by some left wing government here is if we could just get rid of all those nasty guns everyone would become friends and sit around campfires singing Cumbyya and exchanging hugs well; at least until the machetes came out.
Oh and I will add after reviewing the story; another "gun free" zone. IMO: That's that same thing as issuing licenses to kill.
Oh and Lowell IT'S A RIGHT! At least here in the USA. I don't know where you live but I fully expect the Supreme Court to affirm the fact the owning firearms is an individual right sometime this year.
"Number of groups"? That's called profiling here and is illegal and unless someone has a criminal or mental health record they are legally within their rights to own firearms.

Last edited by italiansxs; 03/28/08 09:24 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.