As a conservationist in Africa, this pic brings joy to my heart. Firstly, I doubt very much there are any decent guns in there; mostly ancient military rifles. More important, western Tanzania has a godawful poaching problem - all the wildlife is being eaten. These guns were most likely being used for large scale meat-poaching, and their destruction is saving tens of thousands of animals. Northern Kenya is awash with AK's, and as a result there is no wildlife left. This has been the story in one African country after another. And the gangs in Nairobi who used to be armed merely with pangas (machetes), now have AK's, too. Traditional livestock raiding is still a way of life here in northern Kenya. Until twenty years ago, a raid entailed a lot of hooting and hollering, and only occasionally someone hurt by a spear. Today the AK's often leave a few dozen dead behind - women, children, old men. As Lowell says, not everyone should be armed.