Your damascus barrelled guns are all unsafe to shoot. They should be correctly disposed of to avoid posing any danger to life and limb to you and those you hold near and dear. An appropriate secure disposal facility is located in Western Victoria, South Eastern Australia, staffed by approriately qualified technicians who can perform rigorous field tests under controlled conditions.

Well, it might work!

Or you could just give me all your guns!

If I have to die, I can think of worse ways to go than having a beautiful gun let go on me while I'm doing something I love. At least I'll die annointed in "holy black"!

Generations of shooters knew nothing of prohibitions against smokeless in their damascus guns, and went ahead and loosened many a gun and cracked many a headstock with mountains of Maximum, Impax, Blue Star and Grand Prix.

I suspect (in a very amateur, unscientific way) that the damascus=unsafe thing probably has a kernel of truth somewhere, somehow, but that it is mostly overblown.