The truth may never be known.One thing is for sure, history shows that there has never been any love lost between London & B'ham Proof Houses.I think I have hoisted my colours on the flag pole and will say once again." I will listen to anyone, and bow to their superior knowledge, but I will always check things out for my self " Proof loads by the very nature of the beast NEED to be varified and calibrated.The articles of proofing procedure lay down very clearly the procedure and if the correct charge was used and the item fails proof, so be it.I do have to say I do take exception to the current procedure of doing repetition proof loads.Even if it now passes proof who is to say it will not fail imminently after having it's elasticity subjected to abuse.I wish William Wellington was still alive he'd sort them out no mistake.
Digestives? McVities I hope? Tea and Guinness? Methinks I had better fly over to Maine forthwith or fifthwith and sort out those Colonial detractors, please remember you damned Yankees, British is best, London aint bad but B'ham is Bostin.

Boing, Boing, Baggies Premiership here we come.

( The Last two lines may need translation, ask a Brummie to translate) ( they may be dismayed, but ask someone from 'The Black Country' and they will be overjoyed)