I spoke to the London Proof House today. Proof Master Colonel White is away on military service until October but I was told by Richard Mabbut the following:

He did not refute the rumours I put to him and said that the Proof House was 'talking to the people involved'.

I asked if he could re-assure their customers that proof prcatices had not changed and that they need not fear submitting guns for proof or re-proof. He was only prepared to say "It is business as usual at the Proof House".

He confirmed that since February 2007 all guns are submitted to two proof charges fired in each barrel consecutively and quoted CIP regulations. I asked if the Proof house had volunteered to comply with CIP practices, if they had been required to do so or if they were advised to do so and complied. He was not prepared to comment, since he was not personally at the meeting.

I asked if, anecdotally he had noticed any changes in teh number or manner of proof failures since the change. He was not prepared to comment.

When I pressed teh fact that rumours were circulating and that the Proof house could scotch them by making aclear statement or provide some context and clarity with their version of events, he told me "The Proof House will make a clear statement when ready".

So, there you have it, no clear statement about what has happened but no denial that something is amiss. they do say they are back to business as usual but how much that will re-assue everyone remains to be seen.