I have seen a drop off in people with money to spend. Not an outright recession but more like a slowdown in elective spending by a lot of my peers and neighbors. Housing values have dropped 20+% and are still in slow free fall. People in the real estate market tell me that we are near the bottom but they said the same thing a year ago and 10% ago. I suspect that another 5% will be at the bottom price wise. Those who bought and refinanced until the owed 100% of the old value are screwed until they either build up enough equity to sell and break even or they had better have a big checkbook to payoff the old mortgage if they are force to sell sooner.

Guns are not going to collapse in value anytime soon. You will see trade values drop first and retail prices slow or drop later. But to be honest if a dealer can afford to hold onto the gun, until they sell it, it is in their interest to do so until they get their price. After all they are not making anymore 50-100 year old high condition guns anymore. I think we will see $25.00 lead before we will see 1K small bore high condition Fox guns again.