Depends on what part of the country you are in KY Jon. I just read this week that the farmers are the ones making a killing selling their corn for ethanol. John Deere can't make enough combines to keep up with the demand and now they are on back order. And right here in this county the farmers made a killing selling off their farms to developers for all their new subdivisions that are going up. Looks odd seeing a new subdivision with an old farmhouse sitting on the edge of it. But you guys are right- this country is in trouble. To many flat screen TVs, credit card and cell phone bills that people can't afford to pay. I remember when I got a loan back in the 70s for a home, the bank almost wouldn't give you a loan if your monthly house payment was going to exceed the households income in one week. That means your house payment should not be larger than what every working person brings home in one week. I told that to a realtor resently and she thought that was absurd. But that is why so many people are in trouble- living way over their means and trying to stay ahead of the Jones.