Born 1947 Guernsey county, OH but grew up in Muskingum Cty. I wasn't delivered at home in a log cabin exactly but I suppose we weren't precisely well-off either. Neighbor kid who was older than me was fish&hunt crazy. Didn't start school until 7 yrs. old and I remember "helping" him with his trap line before I was in school. Helping probably meant he kept me from falling in and freezing to death. Also remember grubbing out mayapple root. He sold the muskrat and occasional mink pelts and the mayapple to a local shaft mine owner who was sort of a broker or middleman I suppose. The shaft mines were pretty much replaced by stripmining by that time. When I was forteen, I was Groundhog Enemy No. 1 with my Savage 23AA and Dad's .22 Hornet after I was 15. The old man was never serious about hunting anything but squirrel. He was serious about that; shell to squirrel ratio always one to one. Few guns I had travelled around with me for about forty yrs. and then I got interested in shooting trap and then skeet and then got interested in a gun for this and a gun for that; it's a slippery path as we all know.
