Originally Posted By: Kensal Rise
Mr. Maloney:
If you would only exercise your alleged intelligence to simply look about you, you might recognize real "social decay" ... and on a scale that the Edwardians could never have comprehended. And if the slaughter of poultry is so offensive to you, I suggest you address Tyson Foods as the target for your next liberal assault. The UK grouse and pheasant populations seem to be holding their own.

Best, KS

Indeed, KS, the present holds many parallels with the Edwardian world - including its inability or unwillingness to recognize its own decadence. Certainly wholesale slaughter as entertainment is a part of it. And that, in fact, was what author Isabel Colegate was pointing out when she wrote the book.

The UK pheasant populations are hardly "holding their own" - they are bred, fed and killed for private profit, just like Tyson's chickens. The main difference is that Tyson employs people to do the slaughtering, while those who kill UK pheasants generally pay for the privilege.

Funny how the word "liberal" is used as an epithet these days.

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