I've shot driven birds in the UK and never found it to be nearly as expensive as what's being discussed here. A friend has several days on a pheasant shoot in the Dorset Hills area that cost us 225 pounds per gun. Was about a 70 bird day, four drives in the morning followed by a nice lunch.

I shot driven woodcock on an invite but the shooting only cost 50 pounds a day if you'd have been paying for it. It was turn about, shoot one and drive one, that kept the costs down as they didn't have to hire beaters.

These were all shoots owned by regular folks, there were no tweeds, and damn few side by sides. Everything was pretty well over and under, and we all wore our "greens" for the most part. I had a Parker and was the odd man out with an antique type firearm. But it was very fun, a great experience, and I'd go again in a minute.


Out there at the crossroads molding the devil's bullets. - Tom Waits