Joe- I belong to the Military Book Club- just loaned my copy of the history of the 2nd. Armored Div. (aka-Hell On Wheels) to a brother Vet who did two tours in 'Nam with that unit- but never met Patton's son- Col. George Patton (IV)- the British "racked up a huge 'Butcher's Bill' at the Somme in 1916" the old Sandhurst Officer Corps believed that enough troops "Over the Top" and the German Maxims would jam or overheat- sure- and the swagger stick and Webley .455 was real effective too- Kipling's only son was KIA in that "proof of the war of attrition stupidity"- Later, in the "BlitzKreig" tactics used in WW11- The Germans had the MG 34 and later the MG 43 and their theory was that the infantrymen supported the MG companies with their Mausers- whereas American and Allied theory was just the reverse weapons companies supported infantry or PIR companies- usual ratio was 1 to 4- varied of course depending on TO and casualty ratios- I am glad no one objected to my mentioning CSA Gen. Nathan B. Forrest as a brilliant tactician for his time in our country's history- as I also ascribe that leadership and tactical genius to FM Irwin Rommel- had Adolph H. made him his Chief of Ops. and then stood aside- well we'll never know- Rommel died by his own hand and the death of Patton will always raise questions- part of the interest in our past that may affect our future- A neighbor's Grandson in college has my Patton book- he's doing a grad paper on WW11 in ETO- and highlighting Patton-good choice!! RWTF

Last edited by Run With The Fox; 06/26/08 11:28 PM.

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