Unfortunately, LR is right. Since the Confederate monuments here in Richmond were torn down and everyone dodging the Confederate heritage in their woodpile, Virginia has become Yankeeland lite. But I digress….

To Stan’s point, I do know the difference between moonshine and bourbon. A local fellow make Apple Pie and Blackberry moonshine, but it’s a novelty item. He also makes and sells a two year old “bourbon” for something like $40 a fifth that goes down like a garden rake. Yikes! IMO bourbon has a flavor that is universal with some better than others but it’s all corn likker. As has been pointed out a $12 Evan Williams has great drinkability and compares favorably to more expensive brands. It begs the question are the expensive brands worth it? My preferred Old Forrester hits the nail on the head with a flavor that doesn’t deviate much from high dollar varieties. And when the topic of bourbon pops up on a double gun internet board that discussion has to be lite hearted. There’s way too much seriousness in the world anyway. Yesterday was my 62nd bday and my oldest son and my precious DIL gave me a bottle of 15 year old Glenfiddich. I thanked them profusely but didn’t tell them that since covid a year ago all alcohol tastes like burnt rubber tires. Maybe this will kick start my taste buds. Cheers Stan

Ed Blake