Lloyd, I totally understood the reason you posted the pictures of where you are right now, and the one of a scene from downtown Denver. After I have been on a hunting trip in the woods for even a couple days, I always feel a little "dirty" when I come back to what we call civilization.

I also enjoyed going to the hunting camp in the middle of the week as opposed to weekend trips, because there was seldom any noise from dirt bikes, chain saws, or 4-wheelers, and you had the woods to yourself. That's also a big reason I enjoy flintlock deer hunting most of all. Many days, I can hunt all day without even crossing another hunters' boot print in the snow. The mere thought of having a TV at camp makes me want to vomit. I still recall going hunting shortly after the 9-11 Terrorist attack, when the domestic airlines were shut down. It was different and memorable to look up into blue skies that had no jets or contrails.