Parabola, I cannot thank you sufficiently for posting the link to this video. I took offense at a video Carrie did about patterning.410s some years ago, as I thought it unfair. It seems Dave has "changed his tune" and is a proponent of the Little Gun, when used appropriately.

I certainly did not understand all of the conversation but I did note that, near the beginning, he spoke of using it out to 35, even 45 yards on pheasants. This is total nonsense to naysayers of the bore, but should be eye-opening to those who still consider it a child's gun. Understanding that the camera makes shots appear longer than they really are, he made some really long shots on pheasants in that video.

Thank you, my distant friend. I enjoyed that immensely. How I wish he could try some of my 3/4 oz., nickel plated shot, loads. I think he may be "awakened" once again. I certainly was.