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Classic & Custom Single Barreled Sporting Rifles @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Brevex #18 joins the collection - Belgium 416-460 buckstix 02/14/25 01:53 PM
Yes, Swanson is likely the one that re-chambered it to it's current wildcat caliber.
2 75 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: OT ? on searching the forum ellenbr 02/14/25 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by skeettx
I use google and the search for something like " doublegunshop H&H rifles "

or some other need, but add doublegunshop to the search

That is a very good point when using Google or AI. I always put it @ the end.


10 245 Read More
German & Austrian Sporting Guns @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: German Voluntary Load Data & Kugel Weight ellenbr 02/14/25 02:05 AM
[Linked Image from i697.photobucket.com]


16 143 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Another powder price jack Shotgunjones 02/13/25 10:06 PM
Graf's now has Perfect Pattern at $300 a jug.

This represents a 42% increase in total since the stuff was first introduced about 2 years ago. Other Hodgdon powders have also seen a sharp increase.

Graf's has always been a fair supplier, and were one of the few to not screw us over during the primer shortage of 15 years ago so it's not their fault.

In fact, they and Natchez have been running low cost or free shipping and free haz on and off for some time now. This tells me their products are not exactly flying off the shelves now that some of it is back in stock.

Shooting is in general down, partially due to the cost.

This latest valentine from The Powder Trust will not help our sport or our clubs survive.
0 183 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: For Lonesome Ted Schefelbein 02/13/25 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
They always do in the metaphor, Ted. đź‘Ť

That ain’t real life, jimbo.


Going to be real as a heart attack -15 degrees on Sunday night. Hope Lonny has been getting plenty of Timbits and poutine.
8 665 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: James Flynn's article on the Browning BSS sidelock David Williamson 02/13/25 07:57 PM
I found information about the article in the DGJ- The article I remember that discussed everything about the BSS side lock was by Colin McLagan "Browning's Best Gun", Volume 13, Issue 3 Autumn 2003, page 141
22 13,680 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: OT - It's a great day for America! keith 02/13/25 07:44 PM
Here's a link to a convenient live DOGE Tracker


The results so far are very impressive. The DOGE Team has only reached about 1.9% of their goal. So the ultimate savings per taxpayer could easily save all of us enough to buy a pretty nice double gun or two. But sadly, a Liberal Left Federal Judge has imposed a Temporary Restraining Order to stop Elon Musk and his DOGE Team from their audit of USAID, and other bloated, wasteful, and deeply corrupt Federal Agencies.

It's interesting to note that Google Searches for "Criminal Defense Lawyers" in the Washington D.C. area have spiked dramatically ever since Trump took office. You don't have to be a genius to figure out why...
247 14,544 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Stupid California... A Rant keith 02/13/25 07:30 PM
You would think the Liberal Left gun owners on this forum would be able to connect the dots, and finally start to see that they helped to create this situation by voting for the anti-gun Democrats who enact all of these silly and costly laws regulating law abiding gun owners.

But no... you just can't fix stupid!

The good news they can cling to is the added costs, taxes, and hassle they must now endure when buying ammo in California is nothing compared to the inflated costs for virtually everything, since Bidenomics dramatically increased the prices we pay for just about everything. Elections have consequences!
35 1,003 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: screw restoration Jimmy W 02/13/25 06:08 PM
I have had to remove screws like in the video- more times than I can remember on equipment over the years. Sometimes, I have deepened the slot on the screw with a hack saw if the width allowed. I prefer to tap on the screw with a hammer and punch or even a hammer and a screwdriver as he did. I would be awful leery about beating on the side of a gun with a hammer, though. But this worked out fine for him.
10 518 Read More
DIY Gunsmithing @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Checkering Cradle Head and Tail Stock DSchrank 02/13/25 05:39 PM
Doug Mann posted a thread on his cradle here:


Basically, he uses a couple of thick leather cups with leather padding the bottom to protect the ends of the stock.
When I made mine based on Doug’s design, I traced the outline of an extra large Pachmyer pad for the buttplate. I figured that would be bigger than any stock I’ll ever do. I did the front cup 2” diameter. After setting up a stock I wedge some scraps of leather inside the cups for some extra protection from the stock slipping.
FWIW, since it sounds like you just getting started checkering, ACGG member Mike Ullman is teaching a checkering class at Tishamingo this summer. He also has some YouTube videos.
1 109 Read More
DoubleGuns For Sale @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: AH Fox XE ,Philly Gun oohay 02/13/25 04:37 PM
Hello Harry ,I really don't know ,it had this stock on it when I got it ,I have had a fellow contact me that said this serial number left the factory with a straight English style stock but when he read the information to me he said he had for this serial # the information also described the little Schnabel on top of the comb which is not the normal style comb so I am assuming it didn't leave the factory with a straight stock and it probably is original but honestly can't say for sure !!! I know it had an incorrect Forend and As advertised the person I purchased it from had a New Period Correct Forend Professionally made for it ! I know who made the Forend but don't feel at liberty to announce his name ! If you would like to discuss the gun ,Please give me a call at 724-205-1076 !
Thank You ; Russ
2 183 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: B.C. Miroku made Browning SL shotgun? Geo. Newbern 02/13/25 03:02 PM
I bought a couple of those Browning BSS/S 12ga guns years ago. I still think they are as nice a gun as any I have owned. I swapped one of mine to a friend for a foreign gun of his I had always admired...Geo
23 933 Read More
German & Austrian Sporting Guns @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: M95 Mike Harrell 02/13/25 02:31 PM
My M95 has the same 308 stamp. It's in 8x50R though.
36 10,998 Read More
German & Austrian Sporting Guns @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Kipplauf ASS 7X65R - August SchĂĽler Suhl ellenbr 02/13/25 01:03 PM
[Linked Image from thumbs2.imgbox.com]

[Linked Image from thumbs2.imgbox.com]
Most interesting that the Suhl Stamp was applied 3 times.

You know, I seem to recall that the Suhl stamp was either that of a Merkel or E. Schmidt & Habermann? I will have to dig.


15 1,048 Read More
Classic & Custom Single Barreled Sporting Rifles @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Jaeger Springfield 1903 PhysDoc 02/13/25 12:42 PM
That was most likely Dan, I’ve had tables but no displays. I hope we can meet at the next show.
23 1,513 Read More
Classic & Custom Single Barreled Sporting Rifles @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Interesting rifle with interesting provenance Parabola 02/12/25 09:45 PM
[quote=BrentD, Prof]I think the Pease rifle has the Lyman lollipop back far enough to avoid the bolt. I imagine the right thumb has to be in front of it, however. While that seems awkward to me, I suppose it will work. I wonder if Pease put that on the rifle or if a subsequent owner did it?

Brent, your query quoted above inspired me to re-read my re-print of Sir Alfred’s book to see what he says about the sight or sights that he used.

He mentions the subject only once, at page 243, when engaging a lioness that had gone to ground at 240 yards:-

“placing the big gun on the ground, I take the .256 rifle, sit down and fire a shot at her scarcely visible head. “Over” her! I give my Lyman half a turn down and shoot again. “A hit!” she is up! “Crack” again, and she is on her back, growling and snarling and worrying her own leg.
I take the 10-bore and go forward quickly, and at 40 yards give her one more and it is all over”.

So, yes the Lyman sight was in place during his ownership, perhaps when he bought the rifle or possibly fitted for him later.
18 842 Read More
Double Rifles, Paradox Guns & Gauge Rifles @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Took the WR .577-500 out today. Mike Harrell 02/12/25 06:52 PM
You're welcome
8 160 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Worth a read - I enjoyed it, royally FallCreekFan 02/12/25 05:28 PM
Let’s not forget the “Buy Now Price” of $79,995.
12 797 Read More
German & Austrian Sporting Guns @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Max Meffert Drilling Der Ami 02/12/25 04:34 PM
Since the bore diameter was marked in mm (8.9), but the case length wasn't shown, I believe the drilling was proofed close to the 1911 improvements to the 1891 proof law being implemented. I would guess it was proofed in about 1912. Since it does not have a proof date or register number, it was proofed in Suhl, so it was likely in or near there. Since there seems to be no crown W mark on the right barrel but is on the left, the left barrel is the only one choked. Sorry, this doesn't help very much to ID the maker.
13 157 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Miller single trigger Jimmy W 02/12/25 04:30 PM
I have known several gentlemen who used them on their trap guns.
17 757 Read More
German & Austrian Sporting Guns @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: ernst Schlegelmilch/Philip Reeb Der Ami 02/12/25 04:05 PM
Carl Baird,
Schegelmilch was a name associated with several gun makers, in addition to Ernst and Theime/Scheglemilch there was Louis that was involved in the design of the Commision Model 1888 rifle for the Prussian army, in particular the bolt. While likely too young for involvement with your gun, the son of Alfred (Fred) Schegelmilch who worked for Heym and Walter Grass was studying to become a gunmaker in the 1980s, so the name continues in the business.
3 134 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: SxS competitions Stanton Hillis 02/12/25 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by ClapperZapper
I knew I could count on you Stan.

Hint: Fair competition (whether the prize is large or small) has nothing to do with you.

But, it does have to do with YOU? YOU should have more sayso than someone else as to what it "fair"?

Originally Posted by ClapperZapper
I will grind it a little finer.

Online video is promoting a form of .410 competition that is at odds with the sanctioning bodies here in the US.

Perhaps you need to change out your sieve, CZ. Sanctioning bodies here never have had any power over what a local S X S shoot decides as to the shoot rules. That's part of the attraction for many of the informal competitors, less "rules". They seem to be happy with that, and in some areas it appears to be growing. Guess you'd better find a way to deal with your displeasure at it. Unless, unless, they actually start listening to The Grey Man and his "words of wisdom".
19 990 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Franchi Instinct L wood issue, maybe? pete2528ca 02/12/25 12:57 PM
Howdy all…Question.
I have two Franchi Instinct L, a 12ga and 20ga. Both have developed these marks in the wood on the forend. They don’t look like cracks in the wood, but maybe the urethane finish? Anyone else experience this? It is on both guns. The mating metal surface looks ok and smooth. It really just seems like marks on the surface, there isn’t anything visible in terms of cracks on the wood surface that meets the metal. The 12 gauge was in for warranty work because of a firing pin issue and they said the wood was fine. (Wood isn’t covered anyway under warranty it seems).

Any thoughts?

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]
[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]
[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]
0 107 Read More
DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Auction Question Stanton Hillis 02/12/25 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by ellenbr
Interesting Stan. I guess it was all those bicycle rides on rough roads that made it a rattletrap? Did it double on every shot? The 32 bore I have by Francotte(I think) is of a little better construction.



There have been many other makes that used a folding design and were far better quality than the El Faisan. Mine never doubled, and as far as I know it never was hauled on a bicycle, either. Pretty tough for a 12 lb. trigger to slip its' sear notch and double, IYKWIM.

It's vaguely suitable for hauling in a fishing boat to shoot water moccasins. That's about it, IMO. Better be careful when pulling those 12 lb. triggers though, even on a "sitting moccasin". It's mighty easy to flinch with triggers like that and moccasins can take a nasty attitude when frightened (and missed). They are $150 guns, at best. I'd rather have a picture of a Yildiz than own the El Faisan.

Disclaimer: No fine tree wood was damaged in the making of this gun. (Note the Ray Charles school of checkering design)

[Linked Image from jpgbox.com]
18 765 Read More
DoubleGuns For Sale @ doublegunshop.com Jump to new posts
Re: Joseph Lang & Son sidelock Ejector 12 Ga Vol423 02/12/25 03:05 AM
Se how much I know. Price reduced to $3500.
3 389 Read More
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