I tried two Walmarts and Academy Sports trying to find some 20 ga. shells for test firing and none were to be had. They had 12, 16, and 28 but not very much. None of the stores have any center fire or rimfire rifle and pistol ammo. Our local Wildlife range has lots of people at the handgun range and 90% are new faces. Most are first time gun owners. People are scared.

I think Vanderbrink and Hornady are correct and telling the truth. There is an old saying that a traffic jam is a collision between free enterprise and statism. Industry can supply all the cars we need but the state is woefully inadequate supplying the roads. In this case, the state and its allies are terrifying people faster than industry can provide the arms.

Recently a local gun store was burgled. I hope the thieves found more guns than the rest of us. That's like digging for ice cubes in Sahara.

I wish I could buy primers and bullets so I can just go the range and enjoy shooting.