In a perfect world, every game bird would be harvested over a pointing dog. But, but as a practical matter... that can't happen. What lies in-between may be imperfect but it is reality, and that is either as good or as bad as you wish to make it. As long as the game laws are observed and safety is paramount then what each individual hunter choses is entirely up to him (or her). The judgments or pronouncements of others be damned. I have always maintained that hunting is the last great "illusion of freedom" because for a few short and precious moments, you cast-off the mantle of civilization and become immersed in the food chain as a predator. Everything else falls away and it's you, hopefully... a fine weapon, and the day ahead of you. Be it a rifle or a shotgun, it has effectively been my salvation now for the entirety of my life and I await every Fall with an eagerness that few other pursuits can generate. Each season is either "good" or "bad" depending on how you perceive it, but I pray that I am able to do this for the remainder of my time here, much like the old man in Ted's story.