Spring, you have every reason to be proud. These days, an ever smaller percentage of the population raise their hands, swear the oath, and put on the uniform. I was an Army Reserve officer in the 90's, witnessing Clinton's cuts in the military. First the Active side, then both the Army Reserve and the National Guard . . . and we were supposed to make up the slack for the Active Army cuts. After Vietnam, the Pentagon brain trust swore that we would never again go to war without calling up the Guard and the Reserve. When Clinton ordered us to play peacekeepers in Bosnia--a relatively small mission in the mid-90's--the cuts on the Active side were deep enough that they couldn't even handle that without the Guard and the Reserve. An Army Reserve Military Intelligence battalion from the Detroit area participated in the Bosnia mission. Then returned home to learn that their unit was being inactivated. We needed them then, but we were sure enough we wouldn't need them in the future to get rid of them? Must make sense to someone. I couldn't see the logic in it.