Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
I have had a Goldenrod in a big Mosler safe, that I converted to gun storage nearly twenty years ago, in an unheated building all that time. The goldenrod is never turned off and has never caused any problem. Zero issues with the guns inside, also. Works perfectly. I have seen water actually dripping off the outside of that big old Mosler, and opened it to find all contents warm and toasty. I live in a region of very high humidity.

I have kept reloading supplies in an unheated outbuilding and used cans of powder that were 30 years old with no issues.

LOL, just what I did. A big old Mosler safe. I did it about 14 years ago. I can't stand the electronic locks. Had one fail on me with a Cabelas safe I bought about 23 years ago.