Like the example above, my father shot pheasants out the window of our 1937 Dodge. Dad did manual labor in a factory, so didn't need the exercise. And had started hunting during the Depression, when pheasants, rabbits, and squirrels were meat on the table. We had 2 guns in my family when I grew up. Dad's was an Eastern Arms .410 single shot. Forend taped to the barrel. My older brother had the same gun except from Stevens and in much better shape. I inherited that one. We did take care of our guns as far as cleaning them after use went. And when I had my first job (pumping gas and fixing tires), I saved my money and bought a 20ga Savage 420 OU. Made a Marlin 90 handle like a Purdey in comparison. Eventually bought one of the then new Ithaca SKB sxs . . . and since then my life has gone to hell. Expensive or not, I do take care of them.