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Posted By: hoser Do ALL Arrizabalagas come with assist openers? - 05/07/11 05:41 PM
Do all the Arrizabalaga sidelocks come with the H&H style self-opener system or did some not come with it?

Is there a way to tell if it does or does not in a photo? What do I look for? A photo would be great to help me. Thanks.
No, not all Arrizabalaga sidelock are are self-openers. But many are so be sure to check.

Ask for a photo of the forend and barrels and look for this.....

Good luck!

Perfect. I didn't see the fore end, but the barrels look nothing like that so I guess this one does not.

I'm assuming they're still super guns, even without self opener? How much would a used with self opener ballpark for in excellent condition or used without ballpark for?
The Holland system pictured above is not a true "self opener", it is more accurately described as a assisted opener. Inside that tube is a coil spring of mediocre power, not really enough to spring open the gun like lets say a Purdey or Lancaster Model A who's systems are powered by massive V springs. When it comes to this Holland type system, if the gun is fired its works much less efficiently. The system also works much better if the barrels are long and heavy. Hollands quit calling this system a "self-opener" a few years ago, preferring to use the term "assisted opening". Just chiming in, didn't mean to go off topic.

If an Arrizabalga does not have the assisted opening system, can it be added by them if barrels and forend is sent to them or does the gun need to be built around the system originally?

It's a true self-opening system, and H & H is still using that term to describe it:

The problem is that not all makers know how to build and adjust the system correctly.

When it's done right, it's pretty slick.

Ok. Thanks for the link. Regardless of what H&H is currently calling their system, its NOT a true self opening system. When you push the top lever over on a H&H type system, the coil spring that powers the system does not have enough power to drop the barrels far enough to eject the spent hulls and to simultaneously cock both of the locks. I've never seen a H&H Royal that could do it and I've played with more than just a few. The system only works pretty "slick" when the locks haven't been fired. Much less so when the gun has been fired. That's just the way it is. Call it what you want.

I had a Union Armera Consort with a self-opener. It was a tease at best. It would "pop" the gun open when cocked, but after being fired it was little better than a standard gun when opening.

I sold it because I couldn't stand how shiny the coin finish was. Otherwise, it was a very nice gun.

Obsessed with doubles, Le Fusil is right, it merely assists unless unfired, then it drops,but you can close them a lot quicker ! ever tried to close a Purdey double rifle ? I know which system I prefer. best, Mike
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