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Posted By: mark Charles Daly Diamond Quality English stock? - 11/28/17 02:46 AM
I am working on a project for myself and will be restocking an English stocked Charles Daly.

Looking for a photos of an original Daly Diamond Quality with an English stock and the trigger guard .

If you can't post please email to

Thanks in advance.

Posted By: dal Re: Charles Daly Diamond Quality English stock? - 11/28/17 02:56 AM
Miruko made a straight stocked gun?
Originally Posted By: dal
Miruko made a straight stocked gun?

When Lindner outsourced guns to Miroku they specified some of them with straight stocks..or something like that.
Pretty sure Mark isn’t looking to model his straight stock after anything Miroku did nor did Lindner ever “outsource” any guns to Miroku.
Mark I am the custodian of an early Daly from Scott assembled components with a straight-hand stock if you fancy an image of it?


Originally Posted By: dal
Miruko made a straight stocked gun?

Yes they did. I owned one. But it was simply marked Miroku, not Daly, not Diamond Quality. Mark is talking about a different gun. German-made, not Japanese.
We are talking a Prussian Daly, right?
That is what I was thinking originally, but then Miroku came up.
Posted By: mark Re: Charles Daly Diamond Quality English stock? - 11/29/17 01:33 PM
I am looking for photos of Prussian Linder Charles Daly Diamond Quality with English stock.
It's amazing that posters with hundreds of posts can be so misinformed about our guns. It's also amazing how willing they are to post bogus information, even though they know nothing about the guns they are posting about. dal and steve f are the posters I am accusing of posting this stuff. Am I missing something? If so, I apologize.
Posted By: SKB Re: Charles Daly Diamond Quality English stock? - 11/29/17 10:46 PM
Me thinks Steve F's attempt at humor may have been lost on the board. When he ended his post with "or something like that" I took it that he knew damn well Miroku has used the Daly name in recent times and had nothing to do with the Prussian guns. I think he assumed the board would catch on. He may have been mistaken....or I could be.
Steve, if Steve F was being funny, man it was subtle. I like that kind of humour. Now I'm feeling bad I missed it!

While we are on that subject, can anyone tell me how to check for convergence on my 870? laugh
Duct tape two of them together...load one with #9 shot and the other with #8 both guns at the same target board...then count the different size holes. Keep in mind that you may have a few #9's go through a #8 hole. If that doesn't work, try it again with 6's and 5's.
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Steve, if Steve F was being funny, man it was subtle. I like that kind of humour. Now I'm feeling bad I missed it!

While we are on that subject, can anyone tell me how to check for convergence on my 870? laugh

I immediately felt that steve f. was getting a laugh at dla's(sic) expense. But with my luck, noted double gun expert Ed Good will show up with some proof that Lindner outsourced much of his work to Miroku.

But to get back on topic, checking for convergence on your Model 870 is simple. Just fire one shot at the pattern plate right handed, and then fire another shot left handed. The built in lead you discover moving from dominant eye to non-dominant eye will make you willing to give up your right arm to be ambidextrous.
Originally Posted By: SKB
Me thinks Steve F's attempt at humor may have been lost on the board. When he ended his post with "or something like that" I took it that he knew damn well Miroku has used the Daly name in recent times and had nothing to do with the Prussian guns. I think he assumed the board would catch on. He may have been mistaken....or I could be.

Yes, a feeble attempt at humor on my part (or as Mr. Leghorn would say, "That's a joke son, a joke".

Recently restored Lindner Daly 20 bore, straight stock, the last photo is post restoration.
Austin, I will give it a try but since I have only one 870 I will do it with an Ithaca 37 duct taped together.
There is convergence on some 870s, just not the kind most are thinking about. I have seen ribs on 870 trap guns that obviously converge with the axis of the bore. Reason is so that the gun will shoot high for trap, or pigeons.

I have an original CD Lindner straight stocked featherweight. PM me a cell phone number so I can text pics to you.
Try again!
prussian daly
That works, Hunter . . . even though the site tells me I have an "unsupported browser". And I thought the desk on which my computer sits is pretty darned solid1 smile

Nice looking gun.
who did the sleeving?
Posted By: dal Re: Charles Daly Diamond Quality English stock? - 11/30/17 02:09 PM
"It's also amazing how willing they are to post bogus information, even though they know nothing about the guns they are posting about."

With all due respect eightbore, I posted a question....not bogus information. But that's ok.

I did just purchase a straight stocked Charles Daly B.C Miruko 28ga. Skeet gun. The stock does look after market, or it was turned into a straight grip from the original as the checkering is tighter then that on the forend.... and the butt is checkered with a well done removable cover to access the through bolt. Everything I know about shoguns i pretty much learned if I only type bogus came from you

Kieth...your up.

Sorry, guys. I was definitely "asleep at the wheel" in letting humor go over my head. I won't create confusion by deleting my post.
prussian daly

I recieved the gun sleeved, but my barrel guy thought it had been sleeved a LONG time ago. It is a “decent” sleeve job. The stock had been cut, and a ugly pachmyer pad added....Mark Larsen added the extension, and did the wonderful grain matching work. The gun weighs 5lbs 3oz.

I think this album has all the before/after pics. And includes a pic of the long tang for Mark.
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