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Posted By: Coreys1990 Harper double barrel shotgun with no info - 03/29/18 02:56 AM
I have a sxs shotgun that has Harper & Co on the stock of the gun and I can't find any info on it at all.doesnt have the model name or anything and the barrel release is underneath in front of trigger guard. I have a bunch of pictures so if you know anything about Harper and co please let me know. If you need pictures email me at thanks!
Welcome on your first posting

What proof marks are on the gun?
Posted By: trw999 Re: Harper double barrel shotgun with no info - 03/30/18 07:29 AM
There is a difference between Harper and Co and John Harper.

John Harper of Birmingham represents the skilled craftsmanship of three generations of men all called John Harper. They never formed a Company and never referred to themselves as Harper and Co.

Harper and Co is therefore an entirely different organisation, about which I currently have no data.

There's quite a few different marks on it but I haven't been able to identify or look up anything with relevance. This one seriously has me stumped. If you search Harper & Co, John Harper comes up a couple times and nothing else.
Most likely Harper & Co. was a small retailer. It was a very common practice for these retail shops to have their names put on the guns. I'd guess several thousand names on English Guns could be compiled though the number of actual makers was very small.
I sent Coerys1990 an email, so maybe we will have proof mark pictures soon?
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